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Adding Info Pages
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Written by Stor Support
Updated over 8 months ago

Adding Pages

Sometimes you'll need to add in some extra pages that don't come pre-installed for example a Contact Us page or a Privacy Policy page. To add these, navigate to:

  • Info Pages > Create New Page

  • By default, the page is Disabled until you decide to publish it, so there's no chance of publishing anything that's not ready for public consumption.

Completing the Details

Before you start writing in the page, you'll need to give it a title. Remember to keep it as relevant as possible to the subject matter, for example, an 'About Us' or 'Meet the Team' page.

It's worth noting that the title will become the URL of the page. SEO doesn't happen by accident.

Once you have a title select the Category of the page, General Information, Company, or Customer Service. These allow you to keep track of what you have published with a quick glance.

Finally, choose if you would like the page to be displayed as a link on the shop front by checking the box.

Sometimes you may not need or want to show the link on your shop. For example, if you're building a landing page for a specific customer or a page for an upcoming event.

Select either by checking or unchecking the blue checkmark.

Build the Content

Once you have set the parameters of the page, you can then go ahead and start building the content of the page.

The free text area has all of the standard word processor functions but also has some useful additions such as a quick way to add a Contact form or embed a video on the page.

When you're happy with the page content, click 'Save' to keep your work safe.

Search Engine Optimisation

The final step in the process is to add in some lovely SEO to help your new page get found on search engines.

Note the character limit for both the title and description.

Best practice for titles is to put the keyword or phrase you'd like to rank for.

For the description best practice is to keep the length between 120 and 150 characters.

A cautionary note: don't try to put every keyword you want to rank for in the title and description. None of the search engines appreciate this "keyword stuffing" and it is likely to hamper your SEO efforts with most search engines.

A great resource around SEO in general is Ahref's YouTube Channel - which we are avid subscribers of - that gives tips, hints and more for all of your SEO needs. Or just check out the video below.

Quick Check Before Publishing

If you want to see what the page looks like before moving on, simply select ' No' on the 'Display Link on Shopfront' option and press 'Save'. Then navigate to the URL of the page in another tab.

If you can't remember the URL then just go back to the main Info Page area and you'll see the list of pages you have added. Simply click on the relevant one to open it in a new tab.

If you have any queries about this feel free to get in touch with our Support team on Live Chat or via email.

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